Melaka & Jogja – City of Museums : Indonesia

Date of Issue : 24 May 2014
Postmark : Yogyakarta
Denomination : 5,000 Rp
Stamp Size :  25.3 mm x 41.1 mm 
Printing Process : Lithography

This joint issue between Pos Indonesia and Pos Malaysia marks the friendship of the two cities of Jogjakarta and Melaka, by showcasing their heritage that are available at several museums of both cities. Jogja, officially known as Jogjakarta or Yogyakarta, is the capital of Yogyakarta Special Region in Java, Indonesia. Yogyakarta was part of the Mataram Kingdom and Majapahit Empire, and it became the capital of the Mataram Sultanate between 1575 to 1640. Yogyakarta was ceded to the Dutch in 1745. During the Indonesian National Revolution, Yogyakarta became the Republic's capital from 1946 to 1948. The single stamp in this issue features Batik Motif Kembangan, one of the stamps from the National Cultural Heritage stamp issue in 2010, with the addition of the "Melaka & Jogja, City of Museums" logo in the stamp. The five museums featured on the Indonesia cover are Bebadan Museum Karaton Yogyakarta, Ullen Sentalu Museum, Sonobudoyo Museum, Benteng Vredeburg and Museum Pendidikan Indonesia. Click here to view the corresponding stamp issue by Pos Malaysia.

Rp = Indonesian rupiah