Medicinal Plants – Series IV

Date of Issue : 17 May 2018
Postmark : Kuala Lumpur
Denomination : 60 sen, 80 sen and RM1.00
Stamp Size : 30 mm x 40 mm
Paper : Tullis Russell High Reading Yellow / Green Phosphor Gummed Stamp Paper
Printing Process : Lithography

A continuation to earlier stamp issues by Pos Malaysia on medicinal plants (Series I issued on 18 Jul 1998, Series II issued on 11 Dec 2004 and Series III issued on 20 Jan 2015), this fourth series continues to create awareness among the public on the various local species of plants which have medicinal properties. Three types of medicinal plants featured in this fourth series are the Dogfruit, known locally as Jering (60 sen), Freshwater Mangrove, known locally as Putat (80 sen), and the Butter Fruit, known locally as Engkalak (RM1.00).