National Definitive Series – Orchids

Date of Issue : 21 Feb 2017
Postmark : Kuala Lumpur
Denomination : 60 sen, 70 sen, 80 sen, 90 sen, RM1.00 and RM1.10
Stamp Size : 27 mm x 32 mm
Paper :  SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Printing Process : Lithography

The 7th edition of Malaysia's National Definitive Series stamps puts the spotlight on orchids. Orchids are from the plants family Orchidaceae and are one of the two largest families of flowering plants. Orchids are cosmopolitan, occurring in almost every habitat, including Arctic Circle and southern Patagonia. The world's richest diversity of orchid is found in the tropics. Six species out of the 20,000 grown worldwide are picked for watercolour renditions and featured in this stamp issue – the Foxtail Orchid (60 sen), Moth Orchid (70 sen), Borneo Scented Orchid (80 sen), Venus Slipper (90 sen), Scorpion Orchid (RM1.00) and the Swamp Orchid (RM1.10). On top of the usual security feature such as watermark, for the first time, these stamps also incorporate additional features such as micro-text and high security ink (iridescent ink and infra red ink).

Prior national definitive series and the associated themes are as follows : 

*  1st edition – Birds (First issued 9 Sep 1965)
*  2nd edition – Butterflies (First issued 31 Aug 1970)
*  3rd edition – Animals (First issued 4 Jan 1979)
*  4th edition – Tropical Fruits (First issued 5 Jun 1986)
*  5th edition – Birds of Malaysia (First issued 14 May 2005)
*  6th edition – Garden Flowers (First issued 31 Dec 2007)