Building a Green & Resilient Singapore

Date of Issue : 8 Aug 2022
Postmark : Singapore
Denomination : 1st Local, 2nd Local, 70c, 90c and S$1.50
Stamp Size : 29.85 mm x 40.8 mm
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Offset Lithography

This stamp issue by Singapore Post, in conjunction with Singapore's National Day 2022, themed "Building a Green and Resilient Singapore", is one of many components in MSE's year-long campaign to celebrate the nation's sustainability and environmental journey over the last 50 years. Singapore is one of the cleanest and greenest cities in the world, with the recently launched Singapore Green Plan 2030 demonstrates the nation's renewed focus and commitment to sustainability in Singapore. Each stamp in this issue illustrates a key aspect of MSE's work, namely water and food security (1st Local and 2nd Local respectively), climate mitigation and adaptation (70c), public health resilience (90c) and zero waste and building a circular economy (S$1.50). All of these aspects are combined into a single, rather huge stamp in the miniature sheet – click here to find out more.

MSE = Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment