Fruits – Miniature Sheet

Date of Issue : 18 Aug 2022
Postmark : Hong Kong
Denomination : HK$10.00
Stamp Size : 89 mm x 69 mm
Paper : Paper with Security Fibres
Printing Process : Lithography and Embossed

There are a wide range of fruits grown in Hong Kong. Rich in nutritional values, fruits are the best food in the summertime as they are good for health, bright in colour and sweet in taste. Bringing all a cool summer, this stamp issue by Hongkong Post features the types of fruits grown in Hong Kong – orange, watermelon, guava, lychee, banana and papaya. The miniature sheet features all these fruits in a single large stamp with a denomination of HK$10.00. The stamp comes with special embossing effect to accentuate the bright and vivid water-coloured style, presenting a pleasant and relaxing cool atmosphere. I have chosen the coloured postmark instead of the normal black postmark for the cover. The remaining six stamps in this issue feature each fruit separately – click here to view the stamps.