Malaysian Festivals – Series II


Date of Issue : 27 Sep 2012
Postmark : Kuala Lumpur
Denomination : 5 x 60 sen
Stamp Size : 30 mm x 40 mm
Paper : Special Security Stamp Paper
Printing Process : Lithography with Special Glitter Foil

This stamp issue on Malaysian Festivals is a continuation of the earlier stamps issued on 15 Aug 2006 (Malaysian Festivals and Malaysian Festivals – Miniature Sheet). While the earlier stamp issue features the main festivals of the main races and ethnic groups in Malaysia, this stamp issue features other festivals which are of equal importance to these different races and ethnic groups in Malaysia – Hari Raya Aidiladha celebrated by the Muslims, Moon Cake Festival celebrated by the Chinese, Thaipusam celebrated by the Hindus, Kaul Festival celebrated by the Melanaus of Sarawak and Regatta Lepa celebrated by the Bajaus of Sabah.