Rare Fruits of Malaysia – Series I

Date of Issue : 10 Jan 1998
Postmark : Kuala Lumpur
Denomination : 20 sen, 30 sen, 50 sen and RM1.00
Stamp Size : 28 mm x 38.57 mm
Paper : Unwatermarked, Phosphor Coated 
Printing Process : Lithography

Malaysia is fortunate to be endowed with many species of fruits, which generally can be categorised into three classes – major, rare and wild. Major fruits are those which have commercial potential, such as durian, rambutan and mangosteen while wild fruits are those which are not cultivated and are usually grown in open ground or in the forests. Rare fruits are those that are planted on a smaller commercial scale; most of which are grown in the mixed dusun (orchard) or as shade trees around homes. This first series on rare fruits of Malaysia stamp issue features four of these fruits – Kundang (20 sen), Sentul (30 sen), Pulasan (50 sen) and Asam Gelugur (RM1.00).

A series of stamps on rare fruits are issued by Pos Malaysia subsequent to this first series – click below links to find out more.