Marine Life – Series III

Date of Issue : 17 Nov 1990
Postmark : Pulau Pinang
Denomination : 15 sen, 20 sen, 40 sen and RM1.00
Stamp Size : 38 mm x 28 mm
Paper : SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Printing Process : Lithography

Malaysia's coasts are rich in an incredible array of spectacular marine life living just below the waves. This third series stamp issue by Pos Malaysia on marine life features four kinds of sea turtles. Sea turtles have been on earth for over 100 million years. Just like other reptiles, turtles have scaly skin, breathe air, lay eggs and have body temperature that changes with the temperature of their environment. The four turtles featured in this stamp issue are the Leatherback Turtle (15 sen), Green Turtle (20 sen), Hawksbill Turtle (40 sen), and the Olive Ridley (RM1.00). As there has been a decline in turtle populations across the globe, conversation efforts play an important role in protecting these sea turtles from extinction.

Click below links for other stamp issues on this Marine Life series that I have in my collection :